Turning the Corner?
Could it be that I am on the way back up? After waking this morning, I feel like a human being again, and this is a really good thing. I don't feel grumpy or tired; the sun is thinking about coming out after two miserable days of rain [which means emptying the buckets under our roof] and I actually feel like I could leave the house.
My to-do list is so long though that I will need to avoid becoming overwhelmed by its length; knocking off only what is actually possible. Being systematic is the key. Let us hope that my brain is up to that!
If my new energy [and optimism] hold up, I can map out my next ten days, using them well so that by the time I leave for Seattle, I will have a good foothold on all the work that I have promised my clients. They have been very patient, but a few of them are beginning to get anxious. Who can blame them? I haven't billed even one hour in four weeks now. Now, I have worked; just no billing. Didn't seem right to bill at an hourly rate since my work was so slow and well, a little dumb!
I am ready to get my brain and energy back. Here's to that!
My to-do list is so long though that I will need to avoid becoming overwhelmed by its length; knocking off only what is actually possible. Being systematic is the key. Let us hope that my brain is up to that!
If my new energy [and optimism] hold up, I can map out my next ten days, using them well so that by the time I leave for Seattle, I will have a good foothold on all the work that I have promised my clients. They have been very patient, but a few of them are beginning to get anxious. Who can blame them? I haven't billed even one hour in four weeks now. Now, I have worked; just no billing. Didn't seem right to bill at an hourly rate since my work was so slow and well, a little dumb!
I am ready to get my brain and energy back. Here's to that!
Somehow, I have no doubt that you will be back to your usual self very soon... I'll bet that by the time you come here, you will be a whirlwind of energy! I'm so glad that you've begun your journey back to being yourself. This, indeed, is a day to celebrate! I hope that the rest of the day goes as well.
Kristina, at 10:57 AM
Woo hoo! Now about your list-making technique...if it contains at least three more things than any reasonable person can possibly get done, does that mean you're back to normal?
May the buckets stay dry for a while.
Love & shorter lists,
The Green Cedar, at 5:59 PM
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