Plan B

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Round 4, Day 2

It is okay! Yes I have some vague nausea, and that dogmatic two-hour snack routine is back, but it is all so much more tolerable knowing that this is the last time!

Last night, Leslie and I headed to J.P. Licks once again for my chemo-day treat of an old fashioned ice cream soda. While there, I purchased a modest gift certificate for Nurse Judy. During my treatments yesterday, I had quizzed her a bit on places she enjoyed in Davis Square. Well, she doesn't care for the BBQ place, or Indian food, or all those spots that cater to the 'first job out of school' crowd, but she does like J. P. Licks! Today I wrote a heartfelt note and included the note and certificate in a card.

This morning, I was up with the birds once again. Decided to stick with oatmeal, since it has gotten me this far, morning med routines, and then the Decadron high kicked in. Two more snacks and it was off to the hospital for the neuprogen shot. Again, this hurt, but again, who cares? This is the last one! I gave Nurse Judy some wigs that had been given to me as gifts, and the card. She gave me a hug, and I was out of there!

Once home, more drinking [though I simply can't stand water right now] and Leslie needed to leave for a concert that was scheduled months ago. So I am home alone, and the bed is calling to me. Naps are all the rage in this house right now.

So today, for now, everything is good. I have a craving for Mac & Cheese so I will make some apres-nap, and eat it with some smoked Harrington ham. As Alton would say: "Good Eats."


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