Happy Birthday to Me
Yup! I turned 47 in a casino, surrounded by a group of musicians singing in a restaurant. After tonight's show, we headed out for a late supper finished by a decadent chocolate dessert.
The shows are going well. Wednesday night the audience didn't give great feedback which always upsets Mr. Roll. Tonight the crowd went nuts, and so everyone is happy. Living in a casino has some benefits. Food is served 24/7 in the employee cafeteria, other people both prepare and clean up the food and dishes. We are given a per diem to use at some of the restaurants. But, the days are long, and if you don't want to gamble or shop there just isn't that much to do here.
I manage to do a walk with some effort. Had to do the zig & zag through the slot machines. I managed 1.5 miles with Beth W before the C major tremelo chord of the machines drove us nuts. Before the show, I did take another walk to get up to 3.5 miles. Walking outside is difficult here. It is raining, there are no trails even though we are beside a river, so the only option is to walk through parking lots. The casino folks clearly don't want to create any reason at all to leave this climate controlled space. The sole goal of this place is to entertain while separating you from your money.
The shows are going well. Wednesday night the audience didn't give great feedback which always upsets Mr. Roll. Tonight the crowd went nuts, and so everyone is happy. Living in a casino has some benefits. Food is served 24/7 in the employee cafeteria, other people both prepare and clean up the food and dishes. We are given a per diem to use at some of the restaurants. But, the days are long, and if you don't want to gamble or shop there just isn't that much to do here.
I manage to do a walk with some effort. Had to do the zig & zag through the slot machines. I managed 1.5 miles with Beth W before the C major tremelo chord of the machines drove us nuts. Before the show, I did take another walk to get up to 3.5 miles. Walking outside is difficult here. It is raining, there are no trails even though we are beside a river, so the only option is to walk through parking lots. The casino folks clearly don't want to create any reason at all to leave this climate controlled space. The sole goal of this place is to entertain while separating you from your money.
Ain't crowd control wonderful?
Happy birthday!
Love & many more,
Anonymous, at 7:47 PM
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