Bicycle Delivery
Last night was a little touch and go. Not sure what hit me, but I had a two-hour wave of nausea. It hit as I was trying to cut pounds of tomatoes into cubes for a roasted tomato sauce. The lovely smoked chicken that Leslie had grilled for our dinner no longer appealed to me, and he was nice enough to fix me a second meal consisting of a fresh peach smoothie and some toast.
Though I was feeling weak, I spent time some time talking with my Mother and sister Margaret later in the evening. Margaret warns me that standing on my feet, especially in the heat, will bring these waves on. I am going to need to learn how to chop and dice sitting, at least for the next few months.
This morning we woke bright and early, ready to head west to visit Lauren. Technically we were delivering a bicycle, but seeing her was certainly good motivation. In addition to the bicycle, we carried a bag with crusty bread, tomato brushetta and pesto and a ream of paper. Evidently, there is no paper in western Massachusetts!
Lauren and her roommate have done a good job of organizing the room so that it functions well for both of them. The bed is about 4 feet off the ground so that the refrigerator fits underneath, the desk holds only the computer and speakers, and the closet holds both dressers. I sat in Lauren's chair, snuggled up with the green poodle blanket that Kristina sent as a "Happy College" gift while Lauren told us about her classes, crew, professors and friends. All too soon an hour had passed, and it was time for Leslie and I to head home.

Leslie took a picture of the two of us before we got into the car and headed home. Not a great shot, but it will have to do. This is the last one we will have together while I still have hair.
Though I was feeling weak, I spent time some time talking with my Mother and sister Margaret later in the evening. Margaret warns me that standing on my feet, especially in the heat, will bring these waves on. I am going to need to learn how to chop and dice sitting, at least for the next few months.
This morning we woke bright and early, ready to head west to visit Lauren. Technically we were delivering a bicycle, but seeing her was certainly good motivation. In addition to the bicycle, we carried a bag with crusty bread, tomato brushetta and pesto and a ream of paper. Evidently, there is no paper in western Massachusetts!
Lauren and her roommate have done a good job of organizing the room so that it functions well for both of them. The bed is about 4 feet off the ground so that the refrigerator fits underneath, the desk holds only the computer and speakers, and the closet holds both dressers. I sat in Lauren's chair, snuggled up with the green poodle blanket that Kristina sent as a "Happy College" gift while Lauren told us about her classes, crew, professors and friends. All too soon an hour had passed, and it was time for Leslie and I to head home.

Leslie took a picture of the two of us before we got into the car and headed home. Not a great shot, but it will have to do. This is the last one we will have together while I still have hair.
I'm so glad that you got such a wonderful visit. I think that it's a WONDERFUL picture, suitable for framing. Look at your two faces - strong and loving, both of them. How does your heart not burst from joy?
As for the hair thing - I know it's close on the horizon for you. If you choose to wear it, you will have hair when you wear your wig. And then, one day, like Gretchen, the hair will be back. And one day you will look in the mirror and forget that you were ever bald.
Until then - frame this picture! :-)
Kristina, at 5:14 PM
Great photo! (I sense a theme here...) And clearly you know whereof you speak when you talk about persuading curly hair to behave...
I concur -- frame this picture! It will evoke memories forever.
Love & parent-pride,
Anonymous, at 11:57 PM
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