Plan B

Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Beat Goes On

The show at the kid's college was wonderfully produced and performed. I just didn't 'get' it. This was the most baffling play I have ever attended, but I enjoyed every minute of it. Our trip was fairly uneventful [which is good.] We met up with my parents, had dinner, enjoyed the show and then met Lauren at the student union for an after-show beverage. The next day, we returned after my parents headed home, and took Lauren out to lunch, then to a super market for a plain yogurt run, before dropping her back at the dorm and heading home. Since Friday, she has had four additional performances. I suspect that by the end of today's matinee she will be one very tired actor.

The insomnia is getting worse. I lie in bed each night watching the clock sweep past 1am, 2am, 3am before falling asleep. It would be okay if I was fully rested at 8am, but I am not. I still need a full night's rest. I worry as I lie there. I worry about money and how expensive this house is turning out to be. We have run through our savings during this breast cancer battle. Though we have retained enough money for this trip, upon our return, it is going to be tight. I worry that clients will have disasters while I am away. I worry that this week's client installs won't go well. I worry that news of my illness will continue to reduce the number of violin calls I get, and new database projects.

[And, may I say, bone pain really SUCKS! It has stabilized somewhat, though occasionally it moves into my hands. If that becomes the norm, this would be totally unacceptable.]

But on the positive side, the work I am doing with the physical therapists is paying off. I am regaining my strength and flexibility. I can open jars again, and reach into the pantry for items without flinching. My upper back is opening up, and I am walking more erect. I have two more sessions before heading to France.

This week includes the two physical therapist sessions, two database install and staff training session, one gig, and more client drips n' drabs. Let's hope that I can sleep!


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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:29 AM  

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