Plan B

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Another Passing Grade

Today was my one-month follow up with Dr. Mary Ann, my radiation oncologist for those of you keeping score at home. The radiation area was nuts today. People everywhere! Dr. Mary Ann was scurrying around, as was Nurse Nancy. They had concerned looks on their faces as they came in and out of Exam Room 1. Then I saw Nurse Nancy pull netting out of the supply closet, and I knew what was going on. Some poor woman, like me, had open sores and needed help.

I went into my appointment a full hour late. Unheard of at this hospital! The appointment began with lots of apologies and then we moved onto me. I listed where I was in my recovery, sensitivity in the "affected" breast, tightening of my right arm, side effects of the aromosin, and the amazing hair growth!

Dr. Mary Ann immediately noticed that I had not yet had a full breast exam and she dove right in. [Not fun, by the way.] Then she checked my entire lymph system, heart and lungs. All clear once again! Then Dr. Mary Ann explained that I am not getting rid of her. She needs to see me every six months for the next two years; before we move to annual appointments. And then she made the most brilliant observation: spread out the follow up appointments. Why see all three doctors in June when we can do one in June, one in late August and one in October? Clearly this is the smart thing to do. As Dr. Mary Ann explained, the next two years are the most critical. Statistically, if this crap is going to come back, that is when it will. Scheduling the exams with my team at even increments is logical. And so that is what I am doing.

Another passing grade.


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