Plan B

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Working Again!

The past two days have been productive and I have the timesheets to prove it. Several things are working together here. One, my optimism came with me on the plane from Seattle; two, I can finally sleep for more than seven hours; and three, I have some large deadlines looming. Never underestimate the power of sheer fear.

Unfortunately, the plane home contained a large number of really rude people. Why don't people know that when you cough or sneeze, you need to cover your mouth? I even had to ask someone in line next to me to stop coughing directly on me, and they had the audacity to roll their eyes! Why does any of this matter? Sniffles and sneezes. I have sniffles and sneezes. This doesn't make me happy, but now that I can sleep again, maybe I can cut this cold off at the pass. [Admittedly, I should have had some Purell in my bag, and I won't travel without it again.]

So things are looking up!

More Miscellaneous News:

Lauren is coming home again this weekend, and then again for Thanksgiving. Our house will have 14 guests for dinner on Turkey Day, and I am going to work hard not to overdo. Last year there were far too many leftovers, and I am striving to have a more reasonable amount this year. Two days of leftovers is okay; three weeks worth of leftovers is too much.

My friend L. has sold her house, contingent upon a home inspection. Twenty days on the market; not too bad in the current client. Now she has to figure out where she is going!

Kristina has sent me a Fisherman's Stew recipe, and I think that will be tomorrow night's dinner. She made this during my stay in Seattle, and it was wonderful. The main ingredient is cod, and that sounds like a New England Fisherman's Stew to me.

I am lucky to have friends that are still calling me five months after diagnosis to see how I am doing, who worry about me if they don't hear from me regularly, and are still ready to jump into the fray to help me anyway that they can.

As I said, things are good.


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