Hair Prosthetics
Is that the oddest combination of words you can imagine? But in the world of insurance, semantics is everything. Insurance will not cover the cost of a wig, but it will cover a hair prosthetic. Now I know, and you know that they are indeed one and the same. I suspect that the claims reviewer also knows this. However, a prescription is needed and without this keyword they just don't pay.
In Boston, there is one place to go for a hair prosthetic and it has been on my list of things to do for two weeks, but only today did I call to make an appointment. To be honest, I thought I would call and be able to sachet in almost immediately. The first available appointment is August 24th!
Now I sachet with the best of them, and even I can sachet faster than that! Thank goodness Lauren and I have decided to make it an event that we share together. Otherwise, I would have waited much longer before calling and it would have been too late.
As it stands, I have an appointment on Friday, August 26th [a day off for Lauren] at 1:00 pm. The consultation lasts for an hour and a half. The follow up appointment will be even longer. Being sick takes time and energy at every turn. Oh well.... for the first time in my life I will have a clue what my hair will look like in the morning.
In Boston, there is one place to go for a hair prosthetic and it has been on my list of things to do for two weeks, but only today did I call to make an appointment. To be honest, I thought I would call and be able to sachet in almost immediately. The first available appointment is August 24th!
Now I sachet with the best of them, and even I can sachet faster than that! Thank goodness Lauren and I have decided to make it an event that we share together. Otherwise, I would have waited much longer before calling and it would have been too late.
As it stands, I have an appointment on Friday, August 26th [a day off for Lauren] at 1:00 pm. The consultation lasts for an hour and a half. The follow up appointment will be even longer. Being sick takes time and energy at every turn. Oh well.... for the first time in my life I will have a clue what my hair will look like in the morning.
You are venturing into waters I didn't even know existed! Please post details as you can.
Semantics -- a laugh a minute. Insurance is almost as good as politics...
The Green Cedar, at 6:00 PM
I'm so glad that Lauren is going with you to the wig -sorry - prosthesis store. I suggest that you go out for lunch first and celebrate being together. :-)
I found the wig store an uncomfortable place at first. Everything was "too old" for me, and one wig made me look like Carol Channing (sp?). ACK! But they have AMAZING selections...just about anything you can imagine is available. You might want to buy a hair magazine and bring it with you to show them the pictures of hair you'd like to try. It's an opportunity to have any kind of hair you like, and I hope that you can have fun with it.
I can't wait for pics!
Kristina, at 6:10 PM
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