More Gifts
My friends Sandi and Beth [a different Beth, I have multiple Beths in my life] gave me the most amazing gift. They sent house cleaners to my house, and they cleaned. My house is clean and fresh. The cleaners were so warm and nice that having 'strangers' in my house didn't feel odd even at all. They worked like whirling dirvishes, and after two hours the house was gleaming!
Can you imagine a more thoughtful gift?
The rest of my day was just a day. Isn't that a wonderful thing to hear? I worked with a client over the phone doing some troubleshooting, did a Shaw Market walk, ate some lunch, more client work, a trip to Costco, a small nap, chat with a colleague, made dinner, more client work, helped a friend write a resume and cover letter, and then we ate raspberries.
No trauma, no anxiety, no medical appointments.... just a day. A totally boring day.
Can you imagine a more thoughtful gift?
The rest of my day was just a day. Isn't that a wonderful thing to hear? I worked with a client over the phone doing some troubleshooting, did a Shaw Market walk, ate some lunch, more client work, a trip to Costco, a small nap, chat with a colleague, made dinner, more client work, helped a friend write a resume and cover letter, and then we ate raspberries.
No trauma, no anxiety, no medical appointments.... just a day. A totally boring day.
A totally boring, normal, wonderful day. Fabulous!
The Green Cedar, at 12:20 AM
Aren't boring days the best some times? We could all use more of them - the trick is to appreciate them, as you do.
Kristina, at 7:00 PM
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