Mixed Evening
Tonight, Lauren and I made dinner together. She needed to do most of the chopping and dicing, while I harvested basil and oregano from the garden and cooked the food. We made a simple tomato, garlic and onion sauce to top our fresh egg pasta. The two of us have been cooking together for years and easily work side by side. It was a pleasure to give Leslie a night off. He has been so good to me over the past 6 days and he deserves a respite.
Unfortunately, I have more pain tonight and that has made me uncomfortable. I took some aspirin as a pain modifier and that has helped. A quick check of the incisions indicates that all is well, so I think that the steri-strips are actually causing the discomfort. If I am still experiencing this pain tomorrow, I will call the Breast Center to see if they have some tips.
I was, however, determined to try playing some violin tonight. I didn't do much... about 4 up and down bows and my arm is fine. My fingers are fine. The only discomfort was the chafing under my arm. Thank you Dr. Maryjane!!!!
And finally, the dress is done and it looks great. Now, I don't know if it looks great on me, because it isn't button down so I can't try the darn thing on. Two steps forward and one step back.
Unfortunately, I have more pain tonight and that has made me uncomfortable. I took some aspirin as a pain modifier and that has helped. A quick check of the incisions indicates that all is well, so I think that the steri-strips are actually causing the discomfort. If I am still experiencing this pain tomorrow, I will call the Breast Center to see if they have some tips.
I was, however, determined to try playing some violin tonight. I didn't do much... about 4 up and down bows and my arm is fine. My fingers are fine. The only discomfort was the chafing under my arm. Thank you Dr. Maryjane!!!!
And finally, the dress is done and it looks great. Now, I don't know if it looks great on me, because it isn't button down so I can't try the darn thing on. Two steps forward and one step back.
I have been thinking about your conversation with the doc about being able to use your arm and fingers after surgery -- to remain a professional-level violinist. So when I read that you picked up your instrument and proved that your arm and fingers work the way they're supposed...
Words fail me. This is purely wonderful news. Keep being kind to yourself, Ms. Superwalker...:-)
The Green Cedar, at 4:53 PM
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