Plan B

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Round 3: Taking it to the Count

Yesterday was rough. I went from my cheerful, I can do it 8, down into the 6's. All day I fought nausea with a constant infusion of yogurt and drinks, one step ahead of this beast living in my belly. Day 3 is supposed to be different! I am supposed to have my decadron inspired burst of energy. I had planned for my decadron inspired burst of energy. Magazine organizers and plastic tubs await me, but yesterday wasn't that type of day at all. And so the organizers and tubs still sit in a pile in the living room waiting for the right moment.

It isn't that I did nothing yesterday. I managed to make part of dinner, and then a huge batch of hummus for Lauren's roommate, and then a huge batch of pesto from the final basil harvest. I did an hour phone conference with a client, and actually sent them an invoice for the past two months of work. [Cash flow!!!]

Now that I have almost no short term memory, I made a grid of Susan-Sitters for Sunday & Monday, my down days. I am sure that I did more actually, but beats me what!

Being stupid really is the worst part of this treatment. Let's hope that today is a better one!


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