Nurse Jenn has called and proclaimed me "healthy as a horse." [Well, except for that breast cancer stuff, of course.] All three scans looked good, and so there is a green light for chemo.
Today's RVG scan was uneventful. Nurse Rich took good care of me. I was again outfitted with an IV from which he drew some blood. My blood was mixed with a radioactive substance for a half hour, before being reinjected into me, again using the IV. He was able to pull out the IV at this point, and we went directly into the scan room. This machine had a large flat x-ray panel which was positioned three times, once for each scan. There were three electrodes attached to my chest during the tests. Thirty minutes later, I was done.
Today's RVG scan was uneventful. Nurse Rich took good care of me. I was again outfitted with an IV from which he drew some blood. My blood was mixed with a radioactive substance for a half hour, before being reinjected into me, again using the IV. He was able to pull out the IV at this point, and we went directly into the scan room. This machine had a large flat x-ray panel which was positioned three times, once for each scan. There were three electrodes attached to my chest during the tests. Thirty minutes later, I was done.
So very glad to hear about the clean scans. It really helps to know what the boundaries are.
The Green Cedar, at 8:33 PM
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