Well Toasted
Today was my second boost. The boosts are different than I had anticipated. Turns out that they are using a new technique on me. Instead of one 200 unit boost directed at the scar, they are doing four individual shots from three different angles with four different amplifications. So instead of being a shorter session, it is a tad longer.
Monday I started to have some discomfort. Today I am downright toasted. I now have several layers of aquafor, bandages and strapping on my body. My medical team doesn't want my skin to be lotionless except during treatments. "I am a bit concerned," stated Dr. Mary Ann. Nurse Nancy went 'shopping' in the supply room and found everything that I need.
I am now taking some over the counter pain medication and they have switched me to a moisturizing soap. The fun simply never ends!
Short asides:
The colonoscopy biopsy was negative. Good news, but it does mean we have no idea what happened, how to prevent it, or how to treat it if this happens again.
My genetic testing was approved by my insurance company, and a vial of my blood is on its way to Utah.
Monday I started to have some discomfort. Today I am downright toasted. I now have several layers of aquafor, bandages and strapping on my body. My medical team doesn't want my skin to be lotionless except during treatments. "I am a bit concerned," stated Dr. Mary Ann. Nurse Nancy went 'shopping' in the supply room and found everything that I need.
I am now taking some over the counter pain medication and they have switched me to a moisturizing soap. The fun simply never ends!
Short asides:
The colonoscopy biopsy was negative. Good news, but it does mean we have no idea what happened, how to prevent it, or how to treat it if this happens again.
My genetic testing was approved by my insurance company, and a vial of my blood is on its way to Utah.
This is when you want the countdown to radiation-free to be quick...longer boosts just plain sound unfun.
But many wishes for holiday pleasure that overtakes the pain.
Love & well-moisturized,
The Green Cedar, at 1:26 PM
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