Plan B

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Too Many Details

Wow. That last post didn't just meander down a side lane--- it crossed into another country! Maybe I will learn, albeit slowly, how to pare down to the essentials.

Wednesday the 8th came slowly, and I went in for the ultrasound which showed that it was not an infection [one of the options presented to me the previous Friday.] They then did a core biopsy, taking four samples. This was not a painless procedure, but the doctors were fantastic!

One thing about a teaching hospital, is that people are always teaching in front of me. My years of teaching mean that I really appreciate good instruction. I have actually found the 'teaching moments' to be very calming. Following the biopsy, I was given care instructions and these really cool ice packs. They are room temperature, until you smash them against the wall. Then they get really cold. Smashing things against the wall was good therapy as well.

I was told to expect the pathology results the following Monday, but in the meantime I had a graduation to attend and a party to plan. I filled my open anxious moments by creating lists. Lots of lists.


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